Civil, Health Care, Immigrant, LGBTQ+, Women, Worker's rights, decency, and honesty are always in jeopardy . Increasing ones quality of life helps create greater opportunities for success.
Our government is moving towards minority rule, which doesn't have to be that way. Most Americans are against extreme ideologies that limit the rights of Americans to vote, make their own healthcare choices, love who they love, receive a living wage, breathe clean air, affordable housing, and access safe schools.
Due to McConnell's actions, Donald Trump filled over 200 federal judicial vacancies, including the over 140 vacancies he held up during the Obama administration. Many judges confirmed by the McConnell-controlled Senate were rated unqualified before confirmation and owe an allegiance to ideologies that counter the right to liberty and justice for all Americans. McConnell openly laughs about keeping President Obama from performing his right to place federal judges on the bench.
The top court in the land recently erased women's right to choose.
The list of rights that were stolen from the American people during the supreme court's latest session
LGBTQ+ rights are in jeopardy, as are voter's rights.
Clearly, power is more important than the needs and wants of most Americans. But we can change the regressive trajectory of the U.S. by becoming civically engaged.
Researching your elected officials is essential in determining if what they advocate for and support aligns with your needs.
Be active in your community by attending community events such as helping plant a community garden, supporting a community-driven food drive, and cleaning up projects. Help organize a campaign to raise money for new playground equipment or to help neighbors in need.
Learn about important issues that impact you personally, the U.S., and the world; we are all in this together. Reading credible sources covering local, national, and global news can help keep you well informed.
Don't get discouraged. Freedom isn't free, and it is vital to ensure the people you help elect are working to ensure that your family's needs are considered.
You have the right to request a meeting with your political representatives. You can attend city council meetings and events. Join a political organization and volunteer for a political campaign.
You can help to elect civic-minded capable leaders or run for political office.
Your vote is your voice; if it were not vitally important, others would not work so hard to take it away.
The upcoming election can overturn the hold on progress impeded by elected officials that continue to block the will of the majority of Americans.
Senator Raphael Warnock is on the ballot in Georgia once again. Democrats have to gain more US Senators in the upcoming general election to move legislation through congress that will minimize the actions of the current Supreme Court.
If you plan to vote in the upcoming Georgia runoff or know someone who is check this out.
The following organizations are helping to get out the vote in Georgia. ​
Black Voters Matter Fund. Want to help more Black communities vote? This is your group. They advocate for expanded voting rights and access, and just finished months of intensive voter registration and outreach across the South. Now they’re hitting the streets in the Peach State. Donate here.
ACLU of Georgia. The civil liberties legal group is intensely involved in protecting Georgians’ voter rights both in courtrooms and at polling stations. Donate here.
Asian Americans Advancing Justice Atlanta. Before the November election, the nonpartisan group is scheduled to call over 90% of Asian American and Pacific Islander voters in Georgia. Donate here.
The New Georgia Project. A well-regarded effort to register and engage voters, credited with enrolling over 500,000 people. Though officially a nonpartisan 501(c)3, NGP is associated with Democratic gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams. They will be out in force. Donate here.
NAACP Georgia. This nonpartisan branch is quite active in getting voters to the polls, including a partnership with Lyft to facilitate voting. Donate here.
Galeo. A nonpartisan group building civic engagement in the Latino community. Their substantial voter registration arm aims to make sure that all eligible Latinos are both registered and turn out. Donate here.
Fair Fight. The nationwide group combats voter suppression and promotes “free and fair elections” from its home base in Georgia. It is a left-leaning PAC. Donate here.